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New posts are coming... Also, Meetup!

I know. I know. I haven't posted in a while. There's been quite a bit going on lately so I've been a bit preoccupied. As a result though, I have several posts in the queue. In the next week or so (when I'm able to sit down and finish them) there'll be new posts about my switch over to Linux Mint (12 and 13) as my full time OS, my start down the path of 3D printer ownership, a kick ass stereo I backed/bought on Kickstarter, and last, but certainly not least, I"M ATTENDING GOOGLE I/O THIS YEAR!

That's quite a bit of writing, but I think I can handle it. We've reached the point on the project at work that I can go back to my preferred schedule (6a-3p) so I'll have some time in the afternoons to write these up. That coupled with the writers group meetup that I've begun attending should help these posts flow out like... something... that flows, i don't know, fast(?), not slow like cold maple syrup. Hey, I just started going, it's a work in progress. 

A little about It's a site I stumbled upon a few weeks ago due to San Francisco's GTUG having a get together during I/O. It's actually pretty cool. All of these people with similar interests (writing, technology, hiking, making, etc) get together online and form what is essentially the grown up version (or extension from) the After School Clubs in high school. It's a great way to meet up (hence the name) with others that you share interests with and meet some really cool people. It's free to join (but not to start a group, I think) and you can find tons of groups in your area. Unfortunately, the closest GTUG or GDG to me is about 2 hours away, but that's a topic for another post.


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